Hello, I am Amit Dhorajiya, and would like to share my experience regarding Amardeep Hospital.
I am father of 1.5 months old baby girl Veera Dhorajiya, she was suffering from Hirschsprung disease.
When we heard about it, we were scared.
There were some doctors, who said that without 3 surgeries it was not possible to resolve this disease.
But by Dr. Anirudh Shah & Dr. Amar Shah has proved that it is possible to resolve this disease by only one successful surgery.
Laparoscopy surgery on 1.5 months old baby girl it was very big challenge for doctors.
By next day after consulting with doctor, we decided for operation.
After successful operation, we saw that Veera was recovering very fast from next day afternoon.
I observed the following during hospitalization:
1. Every one hour regular check up by doctor and medical staff.
2. Patient room services was very well, their staff cleans room twice in a day.
3. They provide us refrigerator and gas for safe vegetables and water.
4. They provide us emergency room phone call service.
5. They provide toys and TV to children for entertainment.
6. There we can see live operation broadcast services.
Veera is now very fine after care by the hospital’s medical staff.
I am thankful to Dr. Amar Shah and Dr. Anirudh Shah for their support & expertise in pediatric surgery.
Thanks & Regards
Amit Dhorajiya
Software Engineer
Ahmedabad, Gujarat – 382350