I am Chitra Nagar, Mother of a 2.5 year old Son “Vatsal”.
My son, born in 2013 Jan , had issues with an inguinal hernia when he was 1 month old.
The issue occurred in terms of pain, bleed in stool & swelling at 8 pm in the evening.
We rushed to our Paediatrician, who recommended a immediate ultrasound scan for the same .
Vatsal was detected to have inguinal hernias and we rushed him late in the night to Amardeep Hopsital, Ahmedabad.
My son had an obstructed inguinal hernia and complications secondary to it.
I am personally thankful to Dr Amar, who keeping in mind the gravitity of the situation not only attended our case, also pacified us so much that we came from the panic situation.
Vatsal got operated successfully next morning.
Being a mother post 12 years, and that too having current issue of my sons surgery, i was close to a emotional break down but sincere thanks to the Sir & his staff who answered every question of mine no matter how stupid it was , but also were there always round the clock for observation.
Today Vatsal is 2.5 year old & still we in our whole family & friends , look forward to Amardeep Hospital in case of any emergency ..
I am thankful and will always be to Dr Amar Shah and Dr. Anirudh Shah for their support & expertise.
Chitra Nagar